03 July 2012

Beginning of our Inzell Trainingcamp 2012

It's already day 3 here in Inzell...but there are still 27 more days :) This week is a lighter week on our training, so besides one skating (technique-based) workout per day, Jeffrey and I are biking/running for easy recovery. The weather, as you can see above has been ok...unpredictable like most weather in mountainous regions, but the beautiful landscape makes up for the rain, hail, and foggy weather. Bavaria is a region that is just stunning everywhere you look. My favorite is riding home from using the internet at night and riding in utter silence unless a cow moo's or its cowbell clings in the distance, breaking the silence; I love it! If it's clear, the stars are shining bright and the shadows of the Alps are haunting in the distance...
Jeffrey turnskating in the rink's reflection glass

Yesterday was our first day on the ice and both Jeffrey and I feel great. Working solely on our technique, we skated easy laps and enjoyed being back on the ice, putting all our summer dry land training to action! In addition to our skating, we continue to warm-up with turn skating (like the pic of Jeffrey to the right) in a reflective glass so we can even more, analyze our form. Call us obsessive...haha, but that is what all speedskaters do. We are obsessive and particular :)

In the afternoons the past 2 days (and trying to keep awake, ha), we have been riding around the area, exploring the small towns nearby and recovering our legs from the last 3 hard weeks of training back home in America. 

the rink in Inzell: Max Aicher Arena
pics from our bike rides around town

On another note....tomorrow is the 4th of July, America's Independence Day! It kills me to not be home for this prideful day in America and to be able to recognize and celebrate those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms, but I will be there in spirit and thinking about America all day :) I'll be missing spending it too with my extended family, such great traditions we've all had over the years! May all those who served our country know how grateful we all are and how much we thank you for our freedoms...to you all, God Bless and God Bless the U.S.A!

Nancy Jr.

1 Corinthians 9:25

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